Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Beulah land, I'm longing for you,
And some day on thee I'll stand.
There my home shall be eternal.
Beulah land, sweet Beulah land.

I've been thinking a lot lately about the evil in the world that we live in. The evil that astonishes and shocks you, that paralyzes you for a moment because you can't even fathom what could put the thoughts together to perform such an evil act. The murder of a child, the abuse of someone you're supposed to love, the hate of a group "just because" boggles my mind.

I think of Heaven and the eternal peace that will be in existence there and it helps to dissipate the sorrow I feel...and then it doesn't. Because what about all the people that refuse to accept Jesus as their Saviour? What about the people who know Him and willingly walk away. They will never know the blessing of complete peace and happiness.

So what can I do? I can pray that God will reveal Himself to those people. I can pray that somehow they will come to know Jesus for themselves. But most of all, I can do. I can get out there and tell people about the good news of Jesus Christ. I can show through my life and my actions and my words that Jesus is to be praised and glorified; that He deserves the glory and the honour and the people's worship.

My prayer today is that God will use me for His glory, for His purpose. That He will take my human nature out of the way; blow my mind by putting me in situations I never thought I would be in, or opening doors I never thought I could step through. I pray that God will change my perspective, take me out of my comfort zone and allow me to be a blessing to His people.

God, today I take myself out of the way. Use me in whatever way you have planned for me. Allow me to be an effective tool for You to have. Show me the path I should walk and guide me in a way that I may be a beacon unto Your people.

I love you, Lord,
And I lift my voice.
To worship You,
Oh my soul rejoice.
Take joy my king,
In what You hear.
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound in  Your ear.

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